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IBPS PO Practice Set with IBPS PO Previous Year Paper PDF Free Download

IBPS PO Previous year Question Paper Online Test

Dear aspirants, in this article, candidates can find memory based IBPS PO Previous year Question Papers with Solutions for their practice.

Guys, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) are a conducting body for all IBPS exams. The IBPS PO recruitment for the coming year is ongoing and the 2020 notification is expected to be release by opening of Covid 19. Aspirants must start revising the syllabus and prepare themselves for the final exam.

IBPS PO Previous Year Question Paper PDF - Download Now

The IBPS PO previous year question paper comprises three sections- Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. The IBPS question paper has been divided into three different parts as per the exam pattern for your information.

IBPS PO Question Papers

Friends, attempting IBPS PO previous year question paper is important for understanding the level of IBPS PO prelims and Mains examination. The memory based year wise IBPS PO question paper consists of 100 questions divided in 3 main sections of the exam.

IBPS PO Previous Year Papers with Solutions

The aspirants will also get detailed solutions along with answers here in the IBPS PO Previous Year Question paper PDFs attached below along with IBPS Guide in form of IBPS Practice sets.

IBPS PO Previous Year Question Papers PDF Download Here

साथियो Governmentdailyjobs आप सब छात्रों के लिए IBPS PO की तैयारी के लिये IBPS PO Practice Set PDF शेयर कर रहा है जैसा कि आप सब जानते है, IBPS PO Pre/Mains परीक्षा ऑनलाइन आयोजित की जाती है, इसी के आधार पर एक विशेष IBPS PO Practice Set Book PDF  इस पोस्ट में दे रहे है, जो छात्र IBPS PO की परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे है उनके लिए भी इस प्रैक्टिस पेपर को हल करने से काफी लाभ मिलेगा और वे परीक्षा मे अच्छा स्कोर कर सकते है, आपको IBPS PO Bank Exam से सम्बंधित PO Solved Question PDF अवश्य Download करना चाहिए, इस पीडीएफ में IBPS PO Previous Year Paper आपको 15 से अधिक प्रैक्टिस पढ़ने को मिलेगा जो कि IBPS PO के सभी सेक्शन के बारे मे प्रश्न मिलेंगे।

IBPS PO Question Papers 2019| Previous Papers with Answer

मित्रो, यदि आप परीक्षा पैटर्न और आपके द्वारा अनुसरण किए जाने वाले दृष्टिकोण के बारे में स्पष्ट विचार रखते हैं तो आप किसी भी बैंकिंग परीक्षा को आसानी से पूरा कर सकते हैं, कोई भी व्यक्ति IBPS PO परीक्षा को क्रैक कर सकता है यदि वे 3 महीने (भले ही आप पढ़ने में बहुत अच्छे न हों) पहले से समर्पित होकर तैयारी शुरू कर दें।

IBPS PO Question Paper with Answers (Hindi /English)

जैसा कि आप सब लोग जानते है कि IBPS PO भर्ती प्रक्रिया में 3 चरण शामिल हैं जो निम्न  प्रकार हैं -
1.       Prelims.
2.       Mains.
3.       Interview.

IBPS PO Exam Pattern

साथियोवैसे तो प्रीलिम्स केवल क्वालीफाइंग परीक्षा है जिसमे आपसे अपेक्षा की जाती है कि आप प्रारंभिक परीक्षा में प्रत्येक सेक्शन के सेक्शन कटऑफ और कुल कटऑफ के माध्यम से ज्यादा अंक प्राप्त करें  जिससे आप मुख्य परीक्षा और साक्षात्कार में आपके द्वारा प्राप्त किए गए अंकों को अंतिम चयन के लिए माना जाएगा। यदि आपके पास IBPS PO से पहले एक महीने का समय है तो आपका पहला लक्ष्य IBPS PO प्रारंभिक को क्रैक करना होगाजो कि प्रीलिम्स परीक्षा को क्रैक करना आसान है।

IBPS PO Previous Year Question Papers [PDF] Download

IBPS PO प्रारंभिक के लिए परीक्षा पैटर्न निम्नानुसार है -

साथियो, आपको 1 घंटे में 100 सवालों के जवाब देने होंगे, निगेटिव मार्किंग होगी (हर गलत उत्तर के लिए 0.25 अंक काटे जाएंगे), प्रत्येक प्रश्न एक अंक का होता है, 3 सेक्शन होंगे क्वांटिटेटिव एप्टीट्यूड, इंग्लिश लैंग्वेज और लॉजिकल रीजनिंग
1.       क्वांटिटेटिव एप्टीट्यूड से 35 प्रश्न।
2.       अंग्रेजी से 30 प्रश्न।
3.       लॉजिकल रीजनिंग से 35 प्रश्न।

परीक्षा की तैयारी शुरू करने से पहले आपको जो चीजें करनी चाहिए -

1.       रोज अखबार पढ़ना शुरू करें, द हिन्दू, इकोनामिक्स टाईम्स का  संपादकीय और महत्वपूर्ण समाचार पढ़ें, यह आपकी पढ़ने की गति को बेहतर बनाने में आपकी मदद करेगा और साथ ही आपको करंट अफेयर्स के संपर्क में रहने में भी मदद करेगा, मुख्य परीक्षा में सामान्य जागरूकता पर प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे और प्रारंभिक परीक्षा के बाद सामान्य जागरूकता अनुभाग की तैयारी करना आसान नहीं है।
2.       समाचार पत्र में कुछ भी महत्वपूर्ण होने पर नोट्स बनाएं, उदाहरण के लिए - यदि मोदी एक बैठक के लिए अमेरिका गए हैं, तो आपको दोनों देशों की मुद्रा, भाषा बोली, पूंजी के बारें मे जानना चाहिए।
3.       जब आप कुछ पढ़ते हुए नए शब्दों के बारे में जाने तो इन शब्दों के लिए समानार्थक शब्द (सभी संदर्भों में)और विलोम सीखें और यथासंभव वाक्यों में उनका उपयोग करना शुरू करें।

IBPS PO Previous Years Paper 2016-2019 | Download Now

मित्रो, जहां तक हो सके आप IBPS PO प्रारंभिक परीक्षा के बारे में सोचें जहां आपसे 60 मिनट में 100 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने की अपेक्षा की जाती है, यदि आप 95% की सटीकता के साथ 60 मिनट में 60 प्रश्नों का भी उत्तर दे सकते हैं तो यह प्रारम्भिक परीक्षा क्रैक करने के लिए काफी है।

IBPS PO/MT Previous Year Question Papers

विशेष:   साथियो, कृपया सुनिश्चित करें कि आप सभी प्रश्नों से गुजरते हुए २-३ मिनट का समय बिताते हैं और उन प्रश्नों को पहले हल करने का प्रयास करे जो आपको लगता है कि आसान हैं, अर्थात इसके विपरीत आप कठिन प्रश्नों को हल करने की कोशिश करके अपना समय समाप्त कर देंगे।

IBPS Clerk Previous Year Question Papers with Answers free Download pdf

अपनी परीक्षा की रणनीति कैसे तैयार करें:  परीक्षा में, आप सभी सेक्शन में जाये और इसे एक बार देखें, इसके लिए, आपकी रणनीति यह होगी कि आप अपने सबसे मजबूत सेक्शन को चुनें और उन विषयों पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें, जिन पर आप मजबूत हैं, सुनिश्चित करें कि आप केवल सेक्शन वाईस कटऑफ को उत्तीर्ण करने के लिए पर्याप्त संख्या में प्रश्नों को हल करें, इसके बाद अगले दो खंडों पर जाएं और उसी को दोहराएं, ऐसा करने से, आपने यह सुनिश्चित कर लिया होगा कि आपने सेक्शन वाईस कटऑफ को हल कर दिया है, अपने सबसे मजबूत सेक्शन में वापस जाएं और इस कटऑफ को क्लियर करने के बाद, इस सेक्शन में अपने मार्क्स को अधिकतम हल करें, ताकि आप इस सेकसन से अधिक अंक लाकर अपना स्कोर बढ़ा सकें।

IBPS PO Previous Year Paper

साथियो, IBPS PO पिछले वर्ष के प्रश्नपत्रों को हल करना IBPS PO प्रारंभिक परीक्षा और परीक्षा के स्तर को समझने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है, हम इस पोस्ट में मेमोरी आधारित IBPS PO प्रश्न पत्र 2017/2016 एवं अन्य पीडीएफ शेयर कर रहे हैं, आईबीपीएस पीओ प्रीलिम्स और मेन्स परीक्षा के प्रश्न पत्र हिंदी के साथ-साथ अंग्रेजी में भी उपलब्ध हैं, और इसमें उत्तर और विस्तृत समाधान भी शामिल हैं, आप नीचे दिए गए Prelims और Mains परीक्षा के लिए IBPS PO प्रश्न पत्र नीचे दिये गये लिंक से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

Click here for IBPS PO Previous Year Question Paper | IBPS PO Exam Old Paper

IBPS Last 10 Years Question Paper| IBPS PO Prelims Question Paper with Answer pdf 2019

Why Prepare with IBPS PO Previous Year Papers?

1.     These IBPS PO Previous Years Papers contain questions that have come in the previous year's IBPS exam.

2.      Practicing previous year papers gives you a real-time experience of attempting the actual IBPS PO Exam paper.

3.      You can self-analyze the level of your preparation by attempting these IBPS PO Previous year question paper.

4.      This IBPS PO Previous Years Question Paper helps you in identifying the difficult sections/topics so that you can work on them accordingly.

5.      It boosts your exam preparation by providing you with practice questions that appeared in the past few years.

Important questions for IBPS PO GA Questions have been listed below

1.       Q. Which state government has launched the water conservation scheme Jalamrutha?
Answer: Karnataka

2.       Q. Who has won the CEAT International Cricketer of the Year Award?
Answer: Virat Kohli

3.       Q. Which railway had come up with an innovative solution to keep the elephants away from the railway tracks?
Answer: Northeast Frontier Railways (NFR)

4.       Q. What is the theme of World happiness day 2019?
Answer: Share Happiness and be a part of Something Amazing

5.       Q. __________ is a three-year road map for medium-term objective to be achieved for improving regulation, supervision of the RBI.
Answer: Utkarsh 2022

6.       Q. Name the Captain, who becomes the world’s first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo in a Light Sports Aircraft (LSA)?
Answer: Aarohi Pandit

7.       Q. Which company has emerged as India’s most attractive employer brand, says survey?
Answer: Amazon

8.       Q. Which bank has been identified as number 1 bank by customers in India, as per Forbes World’s Best Bank survey?
Answer: HDFC Bank

9.       Q. Deposits in Jan Dhan accounts have crossed how much mark?
Answer: Rs 1 lakh crore

10.    Q. Pinaka is a multiple rocket launcher produced in India and developed by-?
Answer: DRDO

11.    Q. Which company has partnered with The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) to deploy Project Sangam?
Answer: Microsoft

12.    Q. In union budget 2019-20, Railways has received a budgetary allocation of-?
Answer: Rs 65,837 crore

13.    Q. The Government of India, the Government of Kerala and the __________ signed a Loan Agreement of USD 250 million for the First Resilient Kerala Program to enhance the State’s resilience against the impacts of natural disasters and climate change.
Answer: World Bank

14.    Q. How much fund allocation for public sector banks in budget 2019-20?
Answer: Rs 70,000 crores

15.    Q. Which insurance company announced the launch of ‘Wings’, a specially designed mentorship program to empower the female workforce?
Answer: Aviva Life Insurance

16.    Q. Which bank has partnered with the M1Xchange Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) platform for MSME bill discounting?
Answer: Bank of Maharashtra

17.    Q. Abhijeet Gupta is related to which sports?
Answer: Chess

18.    Q. Who becomes only the second Indian sprinter to win a gold in a global event in Italy?
Answer: Dutee Chand

19.    Q. Mukhyamantri Yuva Swabhiman Yojana launched in-
Answer: Madhya Pradesh

20.    Q. FM Nirmala Sitharaman retains fiscal deficit target at __________ of GDP in the financial year 2019-20.
Answer: 3.3%

21.    Q. Which state government has launched the water conservation scheme Jalamrutha?
Answer: Karnataka

22.    Q. The Reserve Bank of India has constituted a six-member committee on the Development of Housing Finance Securitisation Market to review the existing state of mortgage securitization in India. The committee will be headed by-?
Answer: Harsh Vardhan

23.    Q.____________ and Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) was the organizer and the main buyer of the issue of the “Bondi” bond, short for Blockchain Offered New Debt Instrument, with a 2-year maturity term.
Answer: World Bank

24.    Q. ICICI Bank to buy stake in ___________ subsidiary INX for ₹31 crore.
Answer: BSE

25.    Q. New Space India Limited (NSIL) which will serve as the commercial arm of-?
Answer: ISRO

26.    Q. A Centre for Disability Sports will be set up in-
Answer: Madhya Pradesh

27.    Q. G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting held in-
Answer: Fukuoka, Japan

28.    Q. Receivables Exchange of India Ltd (RXIL) was incorporated on 25th February 2016 as a joint venture between-?
Answer: SIDBI

29.    Q. The IFSC is an 11-character code with the first four alphabetic characters representing the bank name, and the last six characters (usually numeric, but can be alphabetic) representing the branch. The fifth character is 0 (zero) and reserved for-
Answer: Future Use

30.    Q. The government has set up an 18-member working group for the revision of the current series of Wholesale Price Index. This committee under Chairmanship of-?
Answer: Ramesh Chand

31.    Q. National Housing Bank (NHB), a Government of India owned entity, was set up on 9 July 1988 under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987. Who is the present Managing Director of NHB?
Answer: SK Hota

32.    Q. Which country has inaugurated the first model village built with Indian assistance recently?
Answer: Sri Lanka

33.    Q. The lenders of Essar Steel have told the Supreme Court that the NCLAT has misconstrued and misinterpreted the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) to such an extent that the statute itself has been literally rewritten. What is the full form of NCLAT?
Answer: National Company Law Appellate Tribunal

34.    QWhich city named UNESCO World Heritage Site, the second Indian city on the list?
Answer: Jaipur

35.    Q. Who has been appointed as an additional director on the board of Yes Bank?
Answer: R Gandhi

36.    Q. The World Happiness Report was produced in partnership with-?
Answer: The Ernesto Illy Foundation

37.    Q. Which state/UT has topped the list of states with the maximum percentage of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) beneficiaries availing at least four refills?
Answer: Delhi

38.    Q. The report’s Gender Gap Index ranks countries according to the calculated gender gap between women and men in four key areas. Which area is not them?
Answer: Environment

39.    Q. Trading of priority sector lending certificates (PLCs) on the government’s ____________ portal by banks will attract integrated goods and services tax (IGST).
Answer: e-Kuber

40.    Q. A person resident in India as defined under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 are eligible to invest in Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB). Eligible investors include-?
Answer: Individuals, HUFs, trusts, universities and charitable institutions.

41.    Q. Which company has announced the launch of its new Wings application in India on Google Play Store?
Answer: BSNL

IBPS PO Reasoning Questions 2019

Attempt the IBPS PO GA Questions that have been listed below -

Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions. 

In a certain code language:
Hindustan Indian The Hindu – #S1, @N1, #T8, #S4
Economic Times Express Guardian – @Y9, #S5, #D19, @G1
Daily Mirror Observer Post – #A12, @S15, @Z5, @M19.

Q1. What will be the code of Business?
  • @G19
  • @W19
  • #E21
  • #G19
  • None of these
Q2. What will be the code of “World and India”?
  • #M12 @N14 #M9
  • @M12 #N14 #M9
  • #M12 #N14 #M9
  • #M12 #N9 @M14
  • None of these
Q3. What will be the code of the “Nobel Prize”?
  • #M5 #J26
  • @M5 @J26
  • @M5 #J26
  • #M5 @J26
  • None of these
Q4. What will be the code of “Previous Year”?
  • @J21 #W1
  •  #J21 @W1
  •  #J21 #W1
  •  @J1 @W1
  •  @J21 @W1
Q5. What will be the code of “Latest News”?
  •  #Z19 @W23
  •  #Z19 #W23
  •  @Z23 @W19
  •  @Z19 @W23
  •  None of these
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. 

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: xenon 63 century 51 88 69 glow goal 81 hearing
Step I: century xenon 63 51 69 glow goal 81 hearing 88
Step II: glow century xenon 63 51 69 goal hearing 88 81
Step III: goal glow century xenon 63 51 hearing 88 81 69
Step IV: hearing goal glow century xenon 51 88 81 69 63
Step V: xenon hearing goal glow century 88 81 69 63 51
And step V is the last step of the arrangement. As per the above rule followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below;

Input: 41 do recover 21 49 muffin contra little 29 Alpha 53 44 
Q6. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?
  • IV
  • V
  • VI
  • VII
  • None of these
Q7. Which Step number would be the following output? 
little do contra Alpha recover21 muffin 29 53 49 44 41
  • III
  • II
  • VII
  • IV
  • There will be no such step
Q8. Which of the following would be the step I?
  • Alpha 41 contra recover21 muffin little 49 29 53 44
  • Alpha contra 21 recover41 muffin little 29 53 44 49
  • Alpha 41 do recover21 44 muffin contra little 49 53 29
  • Alpha 41 do recover44 21 contra little 29 49 53
  • None of these
Q9. In step V, which of the following word/number would be on the 6th position (from the right)?
  • 44
  • 21
  • 49
  • Recover
  • Alpha
Q10. Which of the following would be the final arrangement?
  • recover muffin little do contra Alpha 53 44 49 41 29 21
  • recover muffin little do contra Alpha 53 21 44 41 29 49
  • recover muffin little do contra Alpha 53 49 44 21 29 41
  • recover muffin little do contra Alpha 53 49 44 41 29 21
  • None of these
Directions (11-15): Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below. 

In a certain code language:
“Change Sudden Electric” is coded as “M8# V24# X22*”
“Report Pointed Nature” is coded as “G9# V13* W11*”
“Polity State Optimal” is coded as “V8# B11# O12*”

Q11. What is the code for ‘Assignment’ in the given code language?
  •  H26*
  •  G26#
  •  H26#
  •  G26*
  •  None of these
Q12. ‘V21*’ can be coded for which of the following?
  •  Frontlitie
  •  Frizzle
  •  Fuzzier
  •  Person
  •  Finance
Q13. What is the code for ‘Horizontal’ in the given code language?
  •  S15#
  •  O19#
  •  S15*
  •  O19*
  •  None of these
Q14. ‘V13*’ can be coded for which of the following?
  •  Report
  •  Pointed
  •  Nature
  •  State
  •  None of these
Q15. What are the code for ‘Need Optimal Arrangement’ in the given code language?
  •  G25# W13# O11*
  •  O12* G24# W13#
  •  G26# O12* W12#
  •  W13# O12* G26#
  •  O12* W13# G25#
Directions (16-18): In the following questions, the symbols #, &, @, * , $, % and © are used with the following meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given questions: 
  • P@Q- P is the child of Q
  • P©Q- P is the parent of Q
  • P%Q- P is the father-in-law of Q
  • P&Q- P is the brother-in-law of Q
  • P$Q- P is the brother of Q
  • P*Q- P is the wife of Q
Q16. If ‘K©M$O@S, K%R*O’ is true, how R is related to S?
  •  Daughter
  •  Brother
  •  Daughter-in-law
  •  Sister
  •  None of these
Q17. If ‘E%G©K@D&F$U’ is true, how K is related to U?
  •  Niece
  •  Brother
  •  Nephew
  •  Son
  •  Either (A) or (C)
Q18. If ‘S$R*T©M$V’ is true, how S is related to V?
  •  Father
  •  Grandfather
  •  Aunt
  •  Uncle
  •  None of these

IBPS PO English Questions with Answers 2019 -

IBPS PO English Questions with Answers mentioned below cover all important topics that can be asked in the exam. Download the IBPS PO Syllabus to know all topics that can be asked in the PO Exam.

Attempt the IBPS PO English Questions with Answers given below. Check your score by downloading the Answer PDF given below.

Directions (1-5):   In each of the following questions a sentence is given with a word given in BOLD. Corresponding to each question three sentences are given with the use of the same word. From the options choose the sentences which give a DIFFERENT MEANING for the word used in the sentence above. The meaning used in the sentence(s) should be different from the one used in the main sentence.

Q1. The crane lifted the container off the ship.
crane had to be used to haul the car out of the
The white crane quivered its wings and flied
The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.
  • Only (I)
  • Only (II)
  • Only (III)
  • Both (I) and (II)
  • Both (II) and (III)
Q2. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.
Education makes a person easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to
If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the
Exposure to lead is known to damage the brains of young
  • Only (I)
  • Only (II)
  • Only (III)
  • Both (I) and (II)
  • Both (II) and (III)
Q3. tear trickled down the old man’s cheek.
A dog can tear a rabbit apart in
Don’t pull the pages so hard or they will tear.
I had no scissors to open the bag with so I had to tear it open instead, which made a mess when I spilled all the
  • Only (I)
  • Only (II)
  • Only (III)
  • All (I), (II) and (III)
  • None
Q4. Fair words and foul deeds cheat wise men as well as fools.
Fair words will not make the pot
The prince fell in love with a fair young
fair face may hide a foul
  • Only (I)
  • Only (II)
  • Only (III)
  • Both (I) and (II)
  • Both (II) and (III)
Q5. Though the steak wasn’t perfect, the satisfied customer was content with his meal.
Some employees are content with their pay and others will never be happy until they get a
Julie had learned to be content with her life, preferring peace and happiness over
We should spend our time creating content for our website rather than wasting time worrying about minor cosmetic
  • Only (I)
  • Only (II)
  • Only (III)
  • Both (I) and (II)
  • Both (II) and (III)

Directions (6-20): In the questions given below a sentence is given with two blanks in each. Corresponding to each question two columns are given with three words in each column. Which combination of words from the two columns will perfectly fit into the blanks to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful?

Q6. Generation Gap…………. when there is a considerable difference of age (an entire generation)……………………. two people.

Column I

A.  form

B.  occurs

C.  create

Column II

D.  between

E.  with

F.  inside

  • A-E
  • A-F and C-E
  • A-E, A-F, C-E and C-F
  • B-D
  • C-F and B-E

Q7. While generation gap is usually a …………………. of conflict between the children and their parents, it is…………………. an interesting concept.

Column I

A.  cause

B.  terrible

C.  points

Column II

D.  amaze

E.  more

F.  actually

  • F
  • B-D
  • C-E
  • C-D
  • A-D and B-F

Q8. Money is the most basic requirement of life without which one cannot……………. his basic needs and requirements of the daily…………………..

Column I

A.  desire

B.  made

C.  fulfil

Column II

D.  routine

E.  present

F.  working

  • B-D
  • A-F and B-D
  • C-E and C-F
  • C-D
  • A-E

Q9. A good leader……………….. to understand the strengths and weaknesses of people in his team as well as their situation in order to bring…………….. the best in them.

Column I

A.  tries

B.  helped

C.  manage

Column II

D.  in

E.  out

F.  within

  • A-E
  • A-F
  • A-E, A-F, C-E and C-F
  • C-E
  • C-F

Q10.  No  matter  how  close  you  are  to  your  team  and  how  much  you………………….. two-way communication, those who look up to you often make you sit on a pedestal and this can lead to a ……………… of isolation.

Column I

A.  enthusiasm

B.  encourage

C.  pamper

Column II

D.  sense

E.  freedom

F.  assure

  • A-F
  • B-D
  • C-E
  • C-D
  • A-D and B-F

Q11. Earlier, newspapers were ………………….. with only news details, but currently they contain news and views about various subjects, covering…….. everything.

Column I

A.  published

B.  creation

C.  print

Column II

D.  since

E.  more

F.  almost

  • C-E and C-F
  • B-E
  • A-F

Q12. In this modern time, when people do not have time to…………… about things other than their job, Newspapers let them know…………… days and dates of the fairs, festival, occasions, cultural events, etc.

Column I

A.  calculate

B.  know

C.  prediction

Column II

D.  about

E.  with

F.  among

  • A-F
  • B-D
  • C-E
  • C-D
  • A-D and B-F

Q13. Private banks have their own call centres that are……………… towards answering the queries of the customers, …………………. to their complaints and taking service requests.

Column I

A.  educates

B.  high lightened

C.  dedicated

Column II

D.  adhering

E.  ignoring

F.  upholds

  • A-E
  • A-F
  • A-E, A-F, C-E and C-F
  • C-D
  • C-F

Q14. Scientists have been trying to……………… evidences to figure out whether life has ever existed on Mars or is it inhabited with people presently or if there is any ……………….. of life on Mars in the future.

Column I

A.  collate

B.  separation

C.  culminate

Column II

D.  figure

E.  predict

F.  possibility

  • B-D
  • A-F and B-D
  • C-E and C-F
  • B-E
  • A-F

Q15. While the scientists keep sending spacecraft’s and rovers on Mars to……………… their research, I  often dream  about going  to  the  planet to  understand  if  there are any  people  living there and ……………………. life is actually possible on this planet or not.

Column I

A.  induces

B.  conduct

C.  curb

Column II

D.  whether

E.  weather

F.  rather

  • A-F
  • B-D
  • C-E
  • C-D
  • A-D and B-F

Q16. A perceptible process of transformation has ………………. in education, away from a lecture-based…………………. approach and towards adaptable, flexible modes of learning and teaching.

Column I

A.  develop

B.  introduce

C.  begun

Column II

D.  didactic

E.  information

F.  improving

  • A-E
  • A-F
  • A-E, A-F, C-E, and C-F
  • C-D
  • C-F

Q17. Educational reforms can play an important role in………………….. violence against women  by increasing school safety, by empowering women through education, and by………………… better attitudes and practices among students about women’s human rights.

Column I

A.  intercepting

B.  preventing

C.  endangering

Column II

D.  promoting

E.  revise

F.  editing

  • B-D
  • A-F and B-D
  • C-E and C-F
  • B-E
  • A-E

Q18.   Violence   against   women   and   girls   is   related   to their ………………. of power and control, as well as to the social norms that prescribe men and women’s roles in society and ……………. abuse.

Column I

A.  lack

B.  hinder

C.  ability

Column II

D.  condone

E.  overlook

F.  regret

  • A-E
  • B-D
  • C-E
  • C-F
  • A-D and A-E

Q19. Women Education is necessary because if a woman is educated she would be able to …………… herself  for  her  rights,  fight  against  discrimination,  able  to  take  decision  concerning  herself, …………….. to economic growth of nation, will be able to face all scientific and technological changes and will participate in world politics.

Column I

A.  introduce

B.  empower

C.  encouraged

Column II

D.  contribute

E.  distribute

F.  produce

  • A-E
  • B-F
  • A-E, A-F, C-E and C-F
  • B-D
  • C-F

Q20. Globalization and the Internet ……………. changed every aspect of the tourism and leisure industry – from marketing and communication channels…………. booking and hospitality services.

Column I

A.  have

B.  has

C.  had

Column II

D.  in

E.  to

F.  for

  • B-D
  • A-F and B-D
  • C-E and C-F
  • B-E
  • A-E

Direction (21-25):  Which of the following phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence meaningfully correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark “No Error” as your answer.

Q21. Several instances of toxic alcohol poisoning in India, including the Malvani hooch tragedy in Mumbai in 2015 that killed 106 people, have been attributed for the lack of affordable liquor for the poor.
  • have been attributed to the lack of
  • have been attribute to the lack of
  • have been attributed to the lacking of
  • has been attributed to the lack of
  • No Error
Q22. Toxicity often comes from drinking methanol, which resulting in blindness, tissue damage or death.
  • which results in blind
  • which results in blindness
  • who results in blindness
  • whose results in blindness
  • No Error
Q23. The death of more than 100 people to toxic alcohol in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand has exposed the thriving sale of illicit liquor in the region.
  • has exposing the thriving sale of
  • has exposed the thrive sale of
  • has exposed the thriving sale of
  • has been exposed the thriving sale of
  • No Error
Q24. Despite it’s ambitious targets, NDA’s ‘Make in India’ has failed to improve investment, employment, and exports in India’s manufacturing sector.
  • Despite its ambition targets
  • Despite its ambitious targeted
  • Inspite its ambitious targets
  • Despite its ambitious targets
  • No Error
Q25. When the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) swept into power in 2014, one of its first acts was to launch the ‘Make in India’ initiative with the ambitious vow of converting India into a global manufacturing hub.
  • vow of convert India into a global manufacturing
  • vow of converting India into a global manufacture
  • vow of converting India into a global manufactured
  • vow of converted India into a global manufacturing
  • No Error

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